Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Room Service March 2011

Good Day all

When one hears the word "room service" what do you think of?
- "providing a service to a guests room"

Well that is exactly what room service is about.
My two weeks in room service has been great. It is a pity my time has been so limited , due to the fact they need my exceptional skills :-) in reception for the last 2.5 weeks of March.

During my time in room service i was actually very surprised about all the different areas an procedures room service covers (defiantly more than i suspected). It is more than just answering phones , taking and delivering orders. They also are required to set up for various functions (mainly in-house departmental function) - neither the less it is still a function. They also deal with breakfast cards which are cards guests fill out for breakfast that they want to be delivered to their room the next morning. They also prepare welcome drinks for various groups that arrive at the hotel or welcome drinks requested for a certain number of people. Then they also have the entire mini bar side of things (which already is a big area on its own).

My time spent here has taught me how to prepare a tray for an order , ranging , preparing and procedures of breakfast cards and how the procedure of cash up works.

So i have enjoyed my time in room service once again even though it was only for 2 weeks it has added on to my skills an experience within this industry an for that i am forever thankful.

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